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Strategy Teams

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Real-time Dashboard 

  • See progress, explore troubles early

  • Drill-down ability - see details supporting initiatives

  • Move away from presentation and spreadsheet displays

  • Not just corporate plans, but also department, or branch plans

Strategic Objective Pop-up Report

  • Strategic objective owner and description

  • Performance analysis

  • Recommended actions

  • Measures (KPIs) status

  • Initiative status


  • Status of Measures (KPIs) associated with strategic objective

  • Health color-code based on configured thresholds

  • Chart of Actual vs Target

Initiative Status

  • High-level initiative status

  • Schedule, milestones, and risks / issues

  • Data retrieved from Initiative TeamMachine™ associated with strategic objective

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  • Publishable and presentable

  • Includes up-to-date information

  • Produce the entire Operating Plan with push of a button


  • Align all teams to corporate objectives, goals

  • Real-time dashboard

  • View by objective or by organization

  • Select quarter and year

Enabling agility in business teams to work together to achieve the organization's vision.

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