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cordin8 brainstorming feature improves  meetings 

cordin8 brainstorming provides anonymous idea generation, categorization, evaluation; and multi-criteria decision models.  It is  useful for many different team activities, including: 

  • Setting the agenda for a meeting

  • Strategy formulation (e.g., Objectives/Strategies; OKRs)

  • SWOT, SOAR, PESTLE analysis

  • "Fishbone" technique (root-cause analysis)

  • Risk identification

  • New service possibilities

  • Product requirements,

  • Work breakdown structure development.

Whether face-to-face or remote (combined with web-conferencing), cordin8 improves meetings by increasing both participation and diversity of ideas

remote meeting 2.jpg

Idea Evaluation Technique:  Allocate Points

Example:  Team members create agenda for "Open Meeting" in minutes

Open Meeting 1 with annotations.png
Open Meeting 2a with annotations.png
Open Meeting 3 with annotations.png

Evaluation Technique:  Ratings on 2-dimensions (2x2 Matrix)

Example: Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis with annontations 2.png
Stakeholder analysis with annotations 1.png
Stakeholder Analysis 3 with annotations.png

Team Idea Support Technique:  Idea Categorization

Example: Product Features

Categorize submit ideas.png
Categorize 1.png
Categorize 2.png
Categorize 3.png

Evaluation Technique:  Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)

Example:  Software Package Selection

Following a brainstorming and evaluation session, save the prioritized list of requirements which will become the criteria to evaluate each option (e.g., vendor).

trading requirements.png

Each team member evaluates the options (e.g., vendor A, vendor B, vendor C) against the requirements (criteria).


cordin8 calculates a weighted average scoring for each option (vendors) against the requirements (criteria).

team score.png
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